Sunday, December 20, 2009 Review Legal Scam

HotCDKey.Com Review
Reviewed by Panther49 was one of the better websites I have purchased from, this was roughly a year ago so times may have changed since there but here goes. The website was obviously based in China so I had my suspicions at first that scam. But this was disproven.
1st Purchase
Game: World of Warcraft Authentication CD Key
Delivery Time: Within 24 hours
The key I received from this bunch was functioning correctly but what really let them down was their security methods. I had ordered the key at roughly 8:00PM at night and within a few hours whilst I was asleep I hear my phone ring, it was a serial operator calling to confirm my identity for a $17.99 US key (overpriced but still such a small amount to be awoken up for a phone call). She then asked me inane questions regarding my identity such as what was the closest school to my address and a number of other *ANNOYING* questions. After the phone call roughly 14 hours later I received my key and it worked perfectly. They are not the cheapest, but if your looking for a key within 24 hours and don't mind putting up with an overseas operator speaking to you in extremely broken English then this could be a possibility.

They require an extreme service overhaul to be seen as the best in my books, too much work for an overpriced CD key. That is why they earned their rating.

4 out of 5

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